''We are the B.E.S.T''

''We are the B.E.S.T''



Prices Needed.

Jennifer Rose – Swartz Creek, MI

I’m a 24 year veteran in the veterinary medical profession working mainly in Emergency and Critical Care as well as general practice. I’m ultra compassionate and feel ALL animals deserve an advocate and I’m their voice. I strive to protect, educate, and advocate for all species and the humans who also care for them. Even outside of a practice; my daily life, I advocate and have my entire life. I have one son, allmost 18 years old, I’m also a licensed real estate sales agent, but my passion and life revolves around my son and animals and their well being, health and happiness. I attended veterinary technician school in Weyers Cave, VA at Blue Ridge Community College while working at restaurants and as a Veterinary Assistant graduating Magna Cum Laude before moving to FL to practice as a CVT in general and emergency practice. Leaving FL in 2006 to be with family and help care for my ailing mother, I moved back to MI where I’m originally from and have been here ever since. My hope is to be able to continue my work with animals in a new and rewarding way while utilizing all of my veterinary technical skills, knowledge and dedication to do so and perhaps move back to FL one day once my son is on his own.

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